Some of the triumphs and blessings in my life in 2012 in no necessary order:
- Was officially accepted to graduate school
- Changed departments and jobs at work--so much happier!
- Saw wonderful family and friends during a trip to the mainland in April
- Made more friends and found new family
- Attended three temples
- Went back to Tonga!
- Hosted my mom and all of my siblings, minus one brother, in Hawaii a few weeks ago (so fun!)
- Didn't miss a single day of writing in my journal the whole year (well, one more night to go, but I'm planning on not missing one)
- Began reading the Book of Mormon in Tongan
- Bought a car
- Quit one of my jobs
- Served in the Primary and made it through program (you may not understand this as a great triumph unless you've served in Primary and been responsible for the annual program)
- Tried a lot of new foods
- Dated a very nice boy
- Read some really good books
- Watched Les Miserables, which was amazing
- Cliff-jumped into the ocean from 30 feet
- Felt joy for some dear friends of mine who got married
- Discovered Crossfit
- Branched out into more up-toned colors in my wardrobe, much to my little sisters delight
- Stayed and made a life in HI a whole year longer than initially planned
- Tbh (to be honest. I just learned this new acronym from my instagram and facebook addicted sister), there were a lot of challenges and trials this year, some of them extremely difficult, some of them extremely long-lasting, and some of them on-going. BUT, despite the difficulties, which, since this is a blog about REJOICING, I shall not list here, I still have great reason to be happy. The. End.
- Finish reading the BoM in Tongan
- Finish reading Die Buecherdieben
- Get a scholarship
- Go to graduate school
- Help little sister get into college
- Go camping at least three times with little brother
- 100% visiting teaching
- Save at least 40% of my income
- Complete physical therapy for my back
- Run a 10K
- Go on a cruise
- Add five new states
- 100% journal writing
- Learn how to cook fish
- Smile, even when it's hard
- Refrain from negative or critical thoughts or comments
- Seeing my VTee's
- Getting a pedicure with my manager
- Little sisters HS graduation
- Training for a 10K
- Visiting family and friends on the mainland for a couple of months before grad school
- Grad school + ensuing challenges
- *maybe* visiting family/friends in Tonga again for Christmas
- Seeing my grandpa and his wife on their mission
- Being pain-free and strong after back heals
- Finally signing up for a frequent flier plan so I can start earning free flights! :)