- Good way to start off the week: package from my mom full of leftover Andes Christmas mints. Thanks mom.
- For lunch today I ate my favorite food (salad) in my favorite way: romaine lettuce-grilled chicken-bowtie noodles-parmesan cheese with Ken's Ceasasr vinagrette. It's made just like it sounds. Cook it, chop it, throw it together, enjoy!
- Woke up to pouring rain this morning--a rarity on this, the hot, arid side of the island. Ran out to roll up my windows and close the sunroof on my car (saying my car has a sunroof makes me feel spoiled. just fyi, that's one of only two cool features about my car, other than the fact that it starts, which is the main reason I love it). Got SOAKED in my basketball shorts and sweater. My face and glasses was dripping as I came back into the garage and realized that three men from my ward were sitting there watching me. They were over visiting, at 8:00 in the morning, and all saw me in my morning glory. Awesome.
- Today begins week two of having a clean room. Although I am very big on keeping my house clean, my room usually gets neglected. Ever since college days when I was literally too tired and busy to care, I have adopted my bedroom as my messy space. I'm trying to be better though, and have succeeded for eight days straight now. Win.
- I have already done my laundry and finished two chapters in the Tohi 'a Molomona today, and with the rest of the week off till Friday, I have four days with little planned but driving brothers and sisters around and reading the TM at the beach. Another win.
- I wish people who made satellites or fiber optic cables or phone cards or anyone else in power cared a little bit more about Tonga and made it a little easier to call over there. I miss people SOOOO much, but due to lack of connectivity for phone networks between here and there, the most I can do is pray for, facebook, and dream about them. Schade.
That's all.
Peace, love,